Scripture Reading - Matthew 7:16-20 KJV

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Today we are continuing our study on “Knowing People” by examining their fruit. In Part two of this series we (ihlcc) will expound upon “knowing people” by the fruit they produce on a consistent basis. This is not a shouting message but it is a message of truth. Today we see all types of people in the society we live in, some are good people and some are not. In the first lesson "Knowing People Part 1" we primarily discussed knowing if a person is saved or not. That teaching basically highlighted the spiritual state of the person. In this lesson we will teach on “knowing people” by their actions whether Christian or non-Christian. This means that if a person is consistently lying they are a liar, period (no excuses). Remember we told you this is not a shouting (get excited) type of message but rather a sobering check on reality. We (ihlcc) say this because many Christians do ungodly acts thinking that it is OK. Well it is not OK and it definitely sends the wrong message to all people, both Christian and non-Christian. The wrong message to Christians because we expect the nature of Jesus Christ to dominate His beloved children. This also confuses the non-believer because when we act like they act they think we are a hypocrite or they are uncertain if the religion of Christianity is real. Either way bad fruit always leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth (words) and stomach (soul). Yes, we should keep the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ simple. If you produce criticism on a consistent basis you are a critic which means you think you are The Judge (God) over people. This is nothing to be proud of, maybe some people think it is only their opinion but the problem is unless your opinion is God’s opinion you should keep it to yourself. The majority of comments on the news, radio, internet and phone conversations are all about negative issues concerning people. This is not God’s Will nor should it be our will as God’s beloved children. All people know that they are not perfect so why do other people find fault when they don’t have to. This is because the nature of our flesh and the wickedness of the devil delight in putting other people down. Likewise, if you are typically upset you are an angry person whether you like it (admit it) or not. You certainly are what you produce at that time whether you agree with it or not. Of course you always have the option of changing your behavior by the decision you make each day. On the positive side if you produce sincere love you are a lover of people just like Jesus. If you are merciful to your family, friends, fellowman and enemies you are a genuine Child of God because that is just like your Father God. If you produce truth no matter what the consequences you are a person of integrity, just like God. The point is whether you realize it or not you are what you produce. Therefore all others know you by your fruit not someone else’s fruit. So please dear child of God examine your fruit and make the necessary changes to be more like God because we all can produce more Godly fruit if we fill ourselves with God’s Holy Presence and Word. Amen!